I've Had this Jeep since I was 15, did basically no maintenance and didn't know anything about cars till I was 21, this jeep was parked in my yard for 8 years while I owned other vehicles, but I've spent the last 2 years and thousands of dollars bring her back from the brink. she had oil leaks and an overheating issue when I got her running again (disappointed but not surprised). Did a full rewiring on all the ignition and battery cables and a full new fuel system except injectors, rebuilt the cooling system, swapped her to 4 corner disc brakes, and replaced all fluids in both diffs, tranny, Tcase, and engine. The system was rewired to take LEDs on all 4 corners and rerouted the power load off the headlight switch. got running good...... till a week later I drove her 10 miles and she puked all the coolant out and overheated like crazy.
Damage report...
Yanked the 4.0 out to diagnose and fix, the head gasket was cracked into the water jacket. I thought it would be a new gasket and good to go, BOY WAS I WRONG! On a hunch, i tore her all the way down to see if there was anything else needing some TLC. The camshaft was shot, lobes eaten up from lifter wear, 2 pushrods clogged with sludge, 1 pushrod very slightly bent, valves pitted from water jacket moisture, and the crankshaft starting to show bearing wear pretty bad, pistons showing bad wear marks.

Build data
Had the idea to just go ahead and do a full stroker rebuild with all new internals, I have an MLS head gasket that I'm cutting for more water passages into the head instead of the stock 2-hole HG. The camshaft I got is a COMP CAM 68-235-4, Pistions are KB 424C.040 with a 27.5cc Dish, I also have the complementing COMP CAM Dual Valve Springs and hardware, and fresh valves. I plan on getting a set of blue top 24#/h injectors, 4.2 crankshaft, Hesco adjustable fuel pressure reg, ALLOYWERKS 3 row 3 electric fan radiator, ARP head studs and stock pushrods.
Advice needed
should I get 4.2l or stock length 4.0 connecting rods? my goal is reliable power and highway drivability in the TX panhandle while still running 87 or 89 octane. I'm trying to stay away from premium fuel so that I can save a little money for the fast car. I've tried using the CR calculator on here and it keeps saying 10:1 is that correct, would that be too much for a port and polish HO head? Any other things I'm not thinking about that I should keep in mind? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

TLDR: lots of research done but still feeling a bit overwhelmed and cautious.
Lemme get a hell yeah